• Anxiety is the body’s physical response to fear.
• The symptoms of anxiety might include: racing heart, rapid breathing, sweaty palms, butterflies in your stomach, ‘burst’ of energy.
• Everyone feels anxious at times, and a certain level of anxiety is normal but after a certain level it is dangerous for our physical and mental health.
• Many conditions or events in peoples’ lives can contribute to anxiety disorders and it is often a combination of factors. In some cases there are genetic tendencies towards anxiety or an underlying brain disease. In other cases, environmental stress is a factor such as work pressure, exam pressure, result pressure etc.
• Counselling and therapy is an effective solution of Anxiety.
• All psychological problems arise due to our thought process and there is no medicine which can change our thought process. Thought process can be changed by Counselling and Therapy.
• Through counselling and therapy we can manage our thought process and boost our mood.
• Neha is an expert in this field and she is known as “Best Counsellor for Anxiety” and “Best Psychologist for Anxiety”
• When we feel sad, moody or low from time to time, for long periods of time (weeks, months or even years) and sometimes without any apparent reason, then the situations of depression arise.
• Depression is more than just a low mood.
• In simple word depression means “lack of expression”
• Depression a serious condition that affects your physical and mental health.
• Counselling, Hypnotherapy and Psycho therapy is an effective solution of depression.
• All psychological problems arise due to our thought process and there is no medicine which can change our thought process. Thought process can be changed by Counselling and Therapy.
• Through counselling and therapy we can manage our thought process and boost our mood.
• Neha is an expert in this field and she is known as “Best Counsellor for Depression” and “Best Psychologist for Depression”
• Stress, in everyday terms, is a feeling that people have when they are overloaded and struggling to cope with demands.
• These demands can be related to finances, work, relationships, and other situations.
• Stress can be a motivator. It can be essential to survival.
• But after a certain limit and it can be dangerous for our physical and mental health.
• Counselling and therapy is an effective solution of Stress.
• All psychological problems arise due to our thought process and there is no medicine which can change our thought process. Thought process can be changed by Counselling and Therapy.
• Through counselling and therapy we can manage our thought process and boost our mood.
• Neha is an expert in this field and she is known as “Best Counsellor for Stress” and “Best Psychologist for Stress”
• Insomnia is a sleep disorder.
• People with insomnia have one or more of the following symptoms:
-Difficulty falling asleep
-Waking up often during the night and having trouble going back to sleep
-Waking up too early in the morning
-feeling tired upon waking
• Counselling and therapy is an effective solution of Insomnia.
• All psychological problems arise due to our thought process and there is no medicine which can change our thought process. Thought process can be changed by Counselling and Therapy.
• Through counselling and therapy we can manage our thought process and boost our mood.
• Neha is an expert in this field and she is known as “Best Counsellor for Insomnia” and “Best Psychologist for Insomnia”
• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common and chronic disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels to repeat such act again and again.
• Common symptoms of Obsessions include:
– Fear of germs or contamination
– Unwanted forbidden or taboo thoughts involving sex, religion, and harm
– Aggressive thoughts towards others or self
• Compulsions are repetitive behaviours that a person with OCD feels the urge to do in response to an obsessive thought. Common compulsions include:
– Excessive cleaning and/or hand washing
– Ordering and arranging things in a particular, precise way
– Repeatedly checking on things, such as repeatedly checking to see if the door is locked or that the oven is off
• Counselling and therapy is an effective solution of OCD.
• All psychological problems arise due to our thought process and there is no medicine which can change our thought process. Thought process can be changed by Counselling and Therapy.
• Through counselling and therapy we can manage our thought process and boost our mood.
• Neha is an expert in this field and she is known as “Best Counsellor for OCD” and “Best Psychologist for OCD”
• A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that causes an individual to experience extreme, irrational fear about a situation, living creature, place, or object.
• When a person has a phobia, they will often shape their lives to avoid what they consider to be dangerous. The imagined threat is greater than any actual threat posed by the cause of terror.
• The person will experience intense stress when faced with the source of their phobia.
• Phobia sometimes leads to panic attack.
• Counselling and therapy is an effective solution of Phobia.
• All psychological problems arise due to our thought process and there is no medicine which can change our thought process. Thought process can be changed by Counselling and Therapy.
• Through counselling and therapy we can manage our thought process and boost our mood.
• Neha is an expert in this field and she is known as “Best Counsellor for Phobia” and “Best Psychologist for Phobia”
• Anger can be a good thing. It can give you a way to express negative feelings or motivate you to find solutions to problems.
• But excessive anger can cause problems. Increased blood pressure and other physical changes associated with anger make it difficult to think straight and harm your physical and mental health.
• Counselling and therapy is an effective solution of Anger.
• All psychological problems arise due to our thought process and there is no medicine which can change our thought process. Thought process can be changed by Counselling and Therapy.
• Through counselling and therapy we can manage our thought process and boost our mood.
• Neha is an expert in this field and she is known as “Best Counsellor for Anger” and “Best Psychologist for Anger”
• In any relationship some time things get really bad due to our mistake or by chance.
• Due to misunderstanding situation of divorce also arise.
• Counselling an effective solution of Relationship issues.
• All psychological problems arise due to our thought process and there is no medicine which can change our thought process. Thought process can be changed by Counselling.
• Through counselling we can manage our thought process and boost our mood.
• Neha is an expert in this field and she is known as “Best Counsellor for Relationship” and “Best Psychologist for Relationship”
• Good parenting is must for the physical and mental health of children.
• In our country generally parent believes that if child is going to school then their job is over.
• Numerous studies suggest that the best-adjusted children are reared by parents who find a way to combine warmth and sensitivity with clear behavioral expectations.
• Parents may find the Four C’s to be a helpful acronym: care (showing acceptance and affection), consistency (maintaining a stable environment), choices (allowing the child to develop autonomy), and consequences (applying repercussions of choices, whether positive or negative).
• Neha is an expert in this field and regularly conduct seminar for parenting and she is known as “Best Counsellor for Parenting” and “Best Psychologist for Parenting”